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6 must-haves for the perfect home page!

In this post, I am going to talk about the 6 must have’s for the perfect home page. I will break it down into 6 sections. If you have all this you are well on your way to having an amazing and effective website. If you don’t have all of these, I would highly recommend getting them added to your site.

1. Company Values

What I mean by this are a few bullet points that potential customers will lead easily and love. For example, on my home page, I have right at the top Fixed Price Projects, Recieve on Time, and Quality Work. These have one to three sentences under them. This has our values and promises on them straight away. We have good values and showcase them in an easy-to-read format.

It is very easy to see and the fact there is not a lot of reading may help keep people interested and on my site. People don’t like reading loads straight away, but I have found this really helps bring people in.

2. Relevant Images

I then recommend (like I do on every page), having relevant images. This helps with potential customers and with your SEO. When Google crawls your site it is looking for relevance to search terms. If you have images and text that is relevant you are more likely to show up.

This includes images of featured work/products. I have a section with a few images of work that I have done. This just showcases what I can do straight away on the home page so that if someone is browsing they can see straight away if they like my style of work.

3. Newsletter Sign Up

Email Marketing can have a huge ROI of 4,200% according to data. That is massive. You can bring back lost conventions and showcase new products to people who have already purchased from you. I will go into more detail about email marketing in a different post. I will give a few tips here though.

Make it short and to the point, people don’t want to read a huge email. Big emails have a lower CTR or click-through rate. As mentioned above include a CTA or 2 this is what will bring people back onto your site. Finally, offer discounts to email subscribers. Doing this will also push people to convert.

If you have on your home page ” Sign up to my newsletter for exclusive offers, discounts, and new releases.” this will get people to subscribe (that is another example of a CTA). I have a welcome email that is sent instantly that gives people my social media guide.

All that being said. Subscribe to my email list below, you receive my social media guide for FREE.

4. link to Your Blog

If you have a blog I highly recommend having your most recent posts on your home page. If you don’t have a blog, you need one. Doing this shows people to your blog, and if you write about specific/ new products on there it will show people those as well.

Your blog is where you show people what you do and gain their trust in the fact you know what you are talking about. Pushing your blog is a must and having a lot of blog traffic will help get you more conventions. It will also help with your ad revenue if you have ads as more people will be coming to your site.

5. About

I am not saying to copy and paste your whole about page onto your home page. I am just recommending having a small paragraph about either the business or the founder. People who like your business will want to learn about you but may not see that you have an About page. Having this gives people a little bit about you or your company.

Then you can have a “To learn more about us click here” at the end. This is for people who do actually want to know more. People who care about this are the sort of thing are exact people you want on your site. People who want to know more are a lot more likely to convert. If someone takes the time to read more about you, there is a reason for this. That reason is they are debating whether to use you or not.

By not having this read more options people who are looking to find out whether you are right for them will click off and you have lost a potential conversion

6. Call to Action (CTA)

A call to action or CTA is where you are saying something that gets the customer to action. for example, “buy now”, “tag a friend”, and many more. Read more on CTA’s here. These are a must-have for the perfect home page. this is because the whole point of most businesses is to make money. With a CTA you are using and making it easier for people to convert. This is calling you to visit another post to find out more about the call to action.